I never intended this blog to be political; I created it to talk out loud about things I have thought about, things I think about in order to raise larger questions, in order for people to start dialoguing and conversing with one another. And, after the news this weekend, about Woodruff and the coverage which ensued, I find myself stewing and thinking about the war, again. And, maybe it's time I got personal with the blog too, providing insight into who is writing this.
I am a veteran of OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom). I was there with a medical unit on the outskirts of Baghdad and have seen the many who comprise (and who are not included) in total casualty count. Those who know me know I am completely against this occupation and this war. They know my reasons and thinking. I stopped watching the television journalism in college because they had nothing to say, there was no real investigation going on except to espouse further the governmental and party lines (democrat and republican alike). It made me nauseous to watch and lurid knowing people accepted everything without question. It took great effort to deny my political urges in this blog, up to this moment, because I am a political person with strong and deviating opinions about policy, economics, class, and conflict. I don’t tow lines period. I never have, I never will. It’s a fact about myself I’ve come to accept. There are those out there whom can follow blindly, relate everything to themselves in a centric way, which is to say, “As long as it does not affect me personally, I will not take an interest in it.” I cannot. Whether we choose to admit this to ourselves or not, the world is inter-subjective and inter-connected: one life affects and ripples through all lives. Enough digression.
Bob Woodruff. Why are we so concerned? To be frank, I could not care less. Where is the concern raised for 2242 others no longer with us? This man has topped the headlines throughout the country, and for what, doing his job? Bob isn’t even dead, so he isn’t even considered in 2242. He’s just injured, a casualty, and there is a whole separate list of the maimed, why don’t media organizations talk about that? If Bob doesn’t make it, then what, will the media turn on the hand that feeds them? Will they then start doing exposé pieces on what’s really going on in Iraq and start putting chinks in the armor of this incredibly corrupt government? Going further, if Bob is getting this treatment on the news, why not every single soldier who has been injured? Would it become too much for the mindless sheeple to stomach? Would people start demanding real answers and real solutions and not just listening and swallowing what that old fucking hack Don Rumsfeld talks about: modular forces in the Middle East, and the necessity of troops there is for the stability of the country, turning the military guerrilla warfare tactics and specialists and lessening the need for support unit: essentially turning the United States Military into one huge band of Spec Ops?
I am a veteran of OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom). I was there with a medical unit on the outskirts of Baghdad and have seen the many who comprise (and who are not included) in total casualty count. Those who know me know I am completely against this occupation and this war. They know my reasons and thinking. I stopped watching the television journalism in college because they had nothing to say, there was no real investigation going on except to espouse further the governmental and party lines (democrat and republican alike). It made me nauseous to watch and lurid knowing people accepted everything without question. It took great effort to deny my political urges in this blog, up to this moment, because I am a political person with strong and deviating opinions about policy, economics, class, and conflict. I don’t tow lines period. I never have, I never will. It’s a fact about myself I’ve come to accept. There are those out there whom can follow blindly, relate everything to themselves in a centric way, which is to say, “As long as it does not affect me personally, I will not take an interest in it.” I cannot. Whether we choose to admit this to ourselves or not, the world is inter-subjective and inter-connected: one life affects and ripples through all lives. Enough digression.
Bob Woodruff. Why are we so concerned? To be frank, I could not care less. Where is the concern raised for 2242 others no longer with us? This man has topped the headlines throughout the country, and for what, doing his job? Bob isn’t even dead, so he isn’t even considered in 2242. He’s just injured, a casualty, and there is a whole separate list of the maimed, why don’t media organizations talk about that? If Bob doesn’t make it, then what, will the media turn on the hand that feeds them? Will they then start doing exposé pieces on what’s really going on in Iraq and start putting chinks in the armor of this incredibly corrupt government? Going further, if Bob is getting this treatment on the news, why not every single soldier who has been injured? Would it become too much for the mindless sheeple to stomach? Would people start demanding real answers and real solutions and not just listening and swallowing what that old fucking hack Don Rumsfeld talks about: modular forces in the Middle East, and the necessity of troops there is for the stability of the country, turning the military guerrilla warfare tactics and specialists and lessening the need for support unit: essentially turning the United States Military into one huge band of Spec Ops?
Not until an exposé is done on every single soldier who has been injured or slain in this “skirmish”, will I accept Bob Woodruff as legitimate and news worthy. Stop allowing the media to decide for you what you will hear, what you will see, what it is you should care about and how you will care about it. For those of you in the media, or a working cog in the media, and have taken offense, know I don’t feel remorse for a single word I’ve written. If it upsets you, or you feel I’m not justified or validated, tough shit. Change your ways: be a muckraker, dig into something which means something, and report some truth, not just the varying side of truth which happens to put money in your hand. Fuck Rupert Murdoch and his heavy-handed dictatorship of a news model. All it takes is ONE person to stand-up and do something meaningful, be that person. And, as for Bob, take care and good luck, if you make it out maybe you’ll have something meaningful to say.

To clarify, I am not suggesting that Rupert Murdoch owns ABC television, only that his style of news reporting and journalism is what others in the medium are leaning toward and reacting to. He has destroyed the validity of journalism and should be beaten within an inch of his miserable, worthless (the value of his ethics and morality) life.
The old ones says.......
Fair enough...let's be real...all journalism is propoganda. Right wing or left wing, is one better than the other? I think not and upon further review you will see that is correct.
What ever happened to the time honored journalism code of "the facts...just the facts"? There in lies the twist.
Anyone can take a series of facts and make them support a POV. Does that series of facts make the writers supposition anymore truthful than another series of facts looked at another way?
The one fact you have correct in your blog is the number of dead in Iraq...of course that number represents the number of Americans.
How many others have died for their rights & beliefs in this miserable country?
They have started a democracy and the United States should be very afraid of what they have started in countries inhabited with Arabs.
Iraq is just the beginning and withdrawl is long overdue.
Journalism...huh?....it's freedom of speech!
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